Waldner SA annonce sa paricipation à ILMAC 2024 en tant qu´exposant
Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer que Waldner participera en tant qu'exposant à ILMAC 2024. Cette foire de premier plan pour la technologie de laboratoire et de …
Lennox is now the official sales partner of Waldner laboratory solutions in Ireland - the agreement was signed by all parties in the middle of July this year. …
It was a great event: over 800 Waldner employees celebrated a summer party together on the grounds of the State Garden Show. The whole evening was spent eating, …
Changes to the Management Board of the Waldner Group
Markus Bieg, Technical Director at Waldner Laboreinrichtungen SE & Co. KG, was appointed to the Management Board of the Waldner Group on 1 July 2024. He is also …
Waldner is investing at its Wangen site: the Wangen-based group of companies is investing over 11 million euros to modernise production. The new systems, such …
Our milk mushrooms are now available in miniature format. The Wangen-based modelling company Noch now has a miniature milk mushroom for H0 scale in its range.
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