31.07.2024 | Veranstaltung

Waldner AG kündigt seine Teilnahme an der ILMAC 2024 als Aussteller an

Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass wir die Waldner AG als Aussteller an der ILMAC 2024 teilnehmen. Diese führende Fachmesse für Labor- und …

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26.07.2024 | company

Waldner and Lennox are partners in Ireland

Lennox is now the official sales partner of Waldner laboratory solutions in Ireland - the agreement was signed by all parties in the middle of July this year. …

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11.07.2024 | Company


It was a great event: over 800 Waldner employees celebrated a summer party together on the grounds of the State Garden Show. The whole evening was spent eating, …

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10.07.2024 | company

Changes to the Management Board of the Waldner Group

Markus Bieg, Technical Director at Waldner Laboreinrichtungen SE & Co. KG, was appointed to the Management Board of the Waldner Group on 1 July 2024. He is also …

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14.06.2024 | company

Waldner invests in new production technologies

Waldner is investing at its Wangen site: the Wangen-based group of companies is investing over 11 million euros to modernise production. The new systems, such …

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12.02.2024 | company

Our milk mushroom is growing

Our milk mushrooms are now available in miniature format. The Wangen-based modelling company Noch now has a miniature milk mushroom for H0 scale in its range.

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08.02.2024 | event

Trade fair dates 2024

Here you will find all upcoming trade fair dates where you can meet us. We look forward to meeting you!

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30.01.2024 | company

Milchpilze are sprouting again

For generations, the Milchpilz was and still is an icon, a landmark, a meeting place. Why the Wangen mushroom kiosk is now getting reinforcements.

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28.11.2023 | Company

Waldner World #6

A new issue of Waldner World is here. It is packed with inspiring stories, impressions and insights about our group of companies. Take a look inside!

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